Monday, March 10, 2014

PureFlex Systems, What is it? Really
   IBM's PureFlex is a new brand of computing that integrates multiple server architectures, chassis, networking, storage, and system management capability. All of this into a single system that is easy to deploy and manage. With Pure Systems owners can consolidate systems and application workloads while reducing the cost of ownership. PureFlex Systems is an Infrastructure services and Technology services System. Infrastructure Services include, Power Management, Storage and VM optimization, System Management, Image Management, Provisioning, Security, and Monitoring. Technology Services include Processor Capacity, Network Capacity, Storage Capacity, Operating System, and Architectural Choice. PureFlex Systems are Pre-configured, Pre-integrated infrastructure systems with compute, storage, networking, physical and virtual management with integrated expertise. 
PureFlex In A Nutshell

      IBM provides 2 offerings of the PureFlex - Express and Enterprise. The Express offering is for small and midsize businesses and it is known to be the most affordable entry point into PureFlex. The Enterprise offering is for larger businesses. The Enterprise offering includes an infrastructure system for transactional and database systems which in turn includes redundancy for resilient operations.                                         How Art Thou Technologies can assist in putting together an action plan that will extremely minimize cost across the board for your new and improved infrastructure.